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domingo, 6 de abril de 2014


           From linguistic literacy in print era where books were the main tool of learning teaching to multiliteracy in digital era where teachers and students deal with image, audio and moviment on multiform texts. Teachers may develop linguistic, digital and multimodals literacy.
              The linguistic literacy expresses the skill of reading and understanding texts based on critical thinking and awareness about text purposes, its writer and expected readers. Rojo (1997) points out that "each text brings an idea and has an intention".
                 The digital literacy is constructed through the abilities to use new information technologies. As Pransky (2002) writes "students nowadays are digital natives". They use e-mail, android, Ipods, wikis, blogs, twitter, facebook, podcast, website in day by day comunication. Viewed in this way, teachers have to adapt and to teach English Language mediated by these digital resources (multicolors, dynamic hypertexts). Those make students confident, flexible, critical and authonomies of their own learning process.
                The multimodal literacy send us to constraint among textual genres. Genre is a dynamic respond to which is historically constructed in different social group. So, knowing a genre means knowing not only a generic conventional form but knowing appropriated way to respond to a given situation. However, Bakthin (1971) says that the number of genre is indertemine, depends on the complexity of society, and the diversity and flexibility of them are boundless. That show us the possibilities of transgression. The concept of inter-generic intertextuality theory developed by L. Marcuschi.
            Based on Marcuschi's theory, writers may choose a form of another genre. For example, an advertisment presented in a form of recipe, news presented in a form of poetry and so on. This approach permits us selecting a form to combine with other content or purposes which would result in effects of sense, such as: irony, humor and so on. In sum up, those skills are characteristics of multimodasl literacy. When, we, as readers, recognize form and content and we can make assumptions about writer's intentions, points of view.
           Concluding multiliteracy contexts reveal and explain the centrelity of teaching English according to current social and cultural conceptions to make learners motivated and authonomies, by understanding how writers and writing work.

Dllubia Santclair Matias
Especialista em Língua Inglesa 

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